Ski Stronger: TRX Essentials for the Slopes


Get your body ready for skiing using the TRX Suspension Trainer. TRX can help you reach your best this winter season!

Being a skier myself I know how important it is to get your body ready for that ski trip. If you want to make the most of it, you should prevent yourself from getting injuries and muscle soreness prior to it and also be cautious about your overall health.

I recommend focusing your ski training program specifically on building cardio strength, leg strength (quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes) and core strength! Skiing is a very dynamic sport, the movements of skiing involve vertical, lateral and rotational planes of movement.

Ideally you should start training 9 to 12 weeks before your trip

  • In weeks 1-3, focus on form and increasing mobility.

  • In weeks 4-6, add speed and increase tempo of exercises.

  • In weeks 7-9, emphasize power with explosive movements and increased resistance.

  • Start with 30 seconds per exercise/side each three-week cycle.

  • When 30 seconds per exercise becomes manageable, add 15 seconds.

  • Progress adding 15 more seconds per exercise as needed.

Complete the exercises demonstrated in the attached Workout Video


Start with two days a week and build up to as many as four days per week over the course of nine to 12 weeks. 

Recommended Exercises: 

  1. TRX Split Squat R/L

  2. TRX Squat

  3. Squat Jump

  4. TRX Abducted Lunge

  5. TRX Lunge with external rotation (with added weight) 

  6. Crossing Step Side Lunge

  7. TRX Skater

  8. TRX Plank

  9. TRX Copenhagen Plank

  10. TRX Deep Low Row 

Take your TRX Suspension Trainer with you to your destination! A good Warm-Up helps prepare the mind and body for your ski day.  Improved circulation and elevated body temperature from a proper warm-up allows for better movement and reactivity while turning, carving, and jumping.  Most importantly for many, a great warm-up stretch before snow sports can help minimize the risk of injury and muscle soreness. So, before you hit the slopes, anchor your TRX Suspension Trainer for a quick, efficient warm-up.  

The Warm-up exercises below are demonstrated in the Workout Video:

  1. TRX Standing Roll Out

  2. TRX Frontal Leg Swings R/L

  3. TRX Squat/Row Combo

  4. TRX Single Leg Hip Hinge R/L

  5. TRX Lateral Lunges

At the end of your ski day give yourself a nice treat with a 15- to 20-minute TRX Flow Recovery Session and you’ll be ready for the next day! In the Workout Video you’ll find some stretches, but I strongly recommend to use one of the TRX Flow and Recovery workouts available on the ECTZONE App.

Have a great, safe Ski trip!!!

Kim Suarez