Going the extra mile with ease: TRX for Runners

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When you’re a runner, sometimes it’s tricky to train outside the field. Mostly you’re just logging mile after mile but just as it’s important to include cardiovascular exercise into your fitness regime, it’s also important for runners and endurance athletes to include strength training into their routine. In the ever-evolving world of fitness, TRX training has emerged as a dynamic and versatile approach that holds particular appeal for athletes and runners. With the continuous evolution of training techniques and insights, there are some exciting new trends and information that have the potential to enhance the performance and well-being of those who lace up their running shoes or compete at the highest level.

Strength training can not only reduce the risk of injury in endurance athletes, but also improve performance in your running.

Implementing a safe and effective strength training program to complement your running can help you become a better runner.

I strongly recommend TRX training for runners for a few reasons:

  • It can improve mobility in the hips and ankles – trouble spots for many runners

  • It gets you moving in multi-plane movements, whereas while running, you’re typically in the frontal plane the entire time

  • It emphasises unilateral training, which helps with muscle imbalances

  • It improves stability

TRX changes the game, strengthening muscles and increasing stamina, so you can run hills, sprint to finish, or reach a new personal record. Learn to love hill running when you strengthen your glutes and quads. Optimise your stride by improving flexibility and strength.

TRX uses your body weight as the key to unlock hundreds of exercises that build strength, power and endurance. Make it harder or easier, in a single step. Your core will always be engaged, which gives you a bonus workout with flexibility, balance, functionality and your heartbeat will be up! Train SMART!

Top 10 TRX Exercises for Runners:

Build stronger glutes:             TRX Front Squat with Hop

Mature the obliques :              TRX Oblique Crunch

Climb hills faster/Power:        TRX Sprinter Start

Optimize your stride:               TRX Lunge with Floor Touch

Power through the turns:         TRX Pendulum Swing

Improve flexibility:                   TRX Single Leg Plank with Elbow Tap

                                               TRX Plank with Elbow Tap

Improve balance:                     TRX Single Leg / Single Arm Squat

TRX Lateral Stepping Lunge into Crossing Balance Lunge

Increase endurance:                Modified Bicep Curl

In the spotlight: Leigh


Leigh, 46 years old, has been a long-distance runner for over 20 years. Running the ½ marathon was always her favourite. Leigh has been using the TRX for about one year now.

“After years of running I started to get a few niggles. My Physio highlighted some weaknesses in my body, mainly glutes and core strength. I started to address these in the gym but then I came across TRX. I’ve found TRX so beneficial in targeting my weak areas but in a much less ‘boring’ way than Physio exercises in the gym. TRX exercises aimed at my glutes still work my core and my arms at the same time so I feel I get better bang for my bucks so to speak!”

- Leigh

TRXCarla De Peuter