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6 Ways to Stay Fit and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle Over the Holiday Season

Oh, the holiday season. As much as we love the season, I think we can all agree on one thing; it is one of the hardest times of the year to maintain our fitness goals.

Keeping up with our busy holiday schedules filled with shopping, planning, traveling and mountains of food can easily throw obstacles in our normal eating and workout routines. 

If you are anything like me and love food, the holidays is probably not the best time to set drastic weightloss goals since gaining a kilo or two is inevitable. There is no reason, however, to throw all our fitness habits out of the window! Let me show you how you can arm yourself with some healthy strategies to get you through the season.

Holiday Fitness Tips

1.     Mentality: Maintaining rather than Losing

Taking control of our bad eating habits early can put us in a much better position to get started on those healthy New Year Resolutions. Think of it this way; instead of eating like every meal is your last, aim to maintain your weight by choosing more protein and veggies whenever possible and have holiday treats in moderation. If you have a Christmas dinner, choose for healthy and light options for your lunch and breakfast to really balance out the calories.

2.     Eat before you leave the house for parties

Most holiday parties, as wonderful as they are, don’t always have the healthiest food options. Try eating some healthier whole foods at home before you leave the house. Even a protein bar can curb cravings and help you to feel full, which can help you from overindulging. Trust me, you’ll be able to control yourself more with the appetisers this way and save yourself for the main dish!

3.     Don’t skip meals or try to bank calories

Telling yourself to skip meals earlier in the day so you can eat more at the party is easier said then done. Your body needs fuel to function, so skipping a meal to “bank” calories will only catch up on you later when you are suddenly starving. For some people, it may even cause blood sugar crashes leaving us feel sluggish and anxious. For others, it can trigger headaches or migraines.

Skipping meals is therefore not a good option. Instead, grab for long lasting energy foods either high in healthy fats or protein such as nuts, avocado, chickpeas, chia seeds, etc. We have a delicious homemade granola recipe full of nuts ideal for a healthy but filling breakfast here on the blog, so check it out! Incorporating such foods will not only prevent you from feeling weak, but it will also ensure you don’t arrive to the party starving. Controlling cravings at the party will therefore become super easy! The key is to control calorie intake evenly throughout the day, not bank them!

4.     Alcohol consumption in moderation

Ah, the beloved alcohol at parties. We often forget the impact alcohol has on our diet because we drink it rather than eat it! Cocktails especially are filled with sugar and really pack some serious calories while causing bloat and weight gain. The holidays only come once a year, so please do enjoy yourself. Just be mindful of the hidden calories in the fun drinks!

5.     The power of water

Hunger and cravings are not the same thing. So, if you are looking to maintain and not gain any body weight, I highly recommend this next tip. A 2010 study in the Journal of Obesity found that drinking water before eating can be an effective tool to help you maintain and even lose weight. It will make you feel a little full before even starting dinner, which means you can control overeating!

And of course, if you’re drinking alcohol, water should be an equally good friend to you. Get this in your head; one glass of alcohol matches with one glass of water. Not only will you stay hydrated and prevent those dreadful hangover symptoms, but you will also slow your alcohol consumption as you won’t be as thirsty with all the water you’re drinking! It’s a win-win!

6.     Set workout goals, and stick to the plan

Often, all it takes to take control of your goals is a little planning. It’s all about consistency. And remember, working out does not have to be your typical gym workout! No time to go to the gym? Train from home with a TRX! Now is a good time to put it to your Christmas wish list guys! If you have children, try taking part in some festive activities such as ice skating or a walk outside. Studies have shown that colder weather can help us burn more calories than we would by doing the same walk in the spring. Brilliant, right?

Moreover, walking can relieve stress, boost mood, boost immunity, improve sleep, improve cardiovascular health, and encourage balanced blood sugar. Furthermore, wear a fitness tracker! This will keep you motivated and you’ll be surprised how many steps you do even when you go do your Christmas shopping! Don’t have a watch yet? Add it to the Christmas wish list!


Phew, we made it! You are now loaded with lots of tips to help you maintain rather than gain! We wish you a very Merry Christmas!